Friday, April 13, 2007

Facing the Giant

It has been a while since I have posted. I have been very busy - busy fighting Goliath. Our Sunday school class is reading Facing Your Giants by Max Lucado and the first week of class Barry asked us to write down our giant on an index card. I believe that Barry's hope is that we would, with God's help, hopefully be able to defeat our giant by the time we got to then end of the book.
I have taken this challenge very seriously and I thought that I was doing good in the battle against my giant until this week. The giant has reared its ugly head again and once agian is making an attempt to squash me under its feet. I don't want to let this giant get the best of me, but it seems that every time I turn around, there it is.
I listened to Clayton King on the way to school Friday morning and he said that God has created an abundant life for us...all we have to do is live it. I know that what he is saying is true and I want to, but I am afraid because my giant makes me doubt myself. I know that God does not want me to be unhappy and I have been praying for some clarity on the issues in my life that keep resurrecting my giant.
To anyone who reads this blog...I need your prayer. Pray that I will be able to slay my Goliath once and for all and that God will open my eyes to what He wants me to do...