Tuesday, May 1, 2007


That's the term that was used by a classmate to describe my railing against the awful book I have to read for this class I am taking. I could have had a number of reactions to this, but the one I had was laughter. How ironic that this is the term used for my life now by someone who has no clue where I came from. Pathetic is a word that I would use to describe my previous life (before salvation). This person does not know me personally...so she doesn't know my testimony.
Pathetic is an alcoholic and a drug abuser...pathetic is desperate for attention...pathetic is trying to be perfect...pathetic is depression so severe that you don't want to live...pathetic is all of the things that I used to be before God reached down and took all of that sin from me...
I am not pathetic...my beliefs are not pathetic...my God is certainly not pathetic...and I am thankful that He cares about me enough to have realized my potential before I ever existed and to love me enough to help me to see it through.
I am going to make it my mission to continue to witness to my classmates and I know that God is there right beside me.
Praise GOD!!!