Friday, March 23, 2007

Get on Board Little Children!

I've always been a motivated person...always perservered in the face of adversity...always got up one more time after being knocked down. I used to think that was called intrinsic motivation. Now I know it was Christ pulling me back up, pushing me one more time, renewing my strength after I fell and all to bring me to this point in my life. I realize that not everyone feels that way.
Christ is once again motivating me and others around me. Every time I come to church I get that feeling like I'm going on a first date. The excitement and anticipation of what's to come...butterflies! What's going to happen next? I just know that God is about to do something life-changing through New Hope.
Are you on board with the vision, with the call to work for Christ to bring lost people to Him, to make Him famous? We should be fired up and totally sold out to God so much that it shows in every aspect of our lives. We should be willing to serve God in whatever way we can and no matter what it takes! The children's ministry at New Hope is about to blow up (that's a good thing)! Our kids are going to gain such a sense of belonging and a knowledge of Christ like never before. I can't wait!
Get on board 'cause this train is moving full speed ahead to glory!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Diggin' Up Bones?

I love Wednesdays! I get to eat dinner with my family and then go to church and hang out with the coolest people ever! Excitment is building in our church about the vision that Pastor Chad presented this past Sunday. I know that my household is filled with the anticipation of what God is going to do.
Speaking of what's to come...can I just share with you how excited I am that JESUS is in the news! Tonight when I pulled into the church parking lot, the sign at the front of our church read "No bones about it...Jesus is Alive!" People say that there is no such thing as absolute truth, but the word of GOD is ABSOLUTE TRUTH and the word says THE TOMB IS EMPTY - JESUS IS ALIVE!!!
I wish that these people that focus so much time and effort to disprove Christianity would just accept the fact that the truth is easy to find and the most they would have to spend is maybe 45.00 - 50.00 bucks on a BIBLE!! Then they could take the rest of that money that they wasted on travel expenses, expensive equipment, payroll, etc. and do something really helpful with it like feeding, clothing, and giving medical supplies to people around the world who are in desparate need. DNA stands for Do Not Act like you don't know - cause if you don't know now ya' know!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Perfectionism Stinks!

I am so tired of trying to be perfect. Lately I have been allowing the devil to beat me up. Well NO MORE!! I am through trying to please everybody. The only ONE I need to please is GOD. God has blessed my life in so many ways and I am not going to allow Satan to steal my joy through circumstances or people.
So, to those of you who think that I am fake or think that I am trying to gain some kind of glory for myself, get over yourselves!
I am going to serve GOD ALONE and the rest of you judgemental people can answer to HIM.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Our God is Awesome!

This week has truly been God-filled. I went to an awesome conference at Newspring Church in Anderson, SC and I saw the power of the awesome God that I serve. This morning Pastor Chad explained the vision that God has communicated to him for our church (New Hope Baptist in Mauldin, SC - Holla!).
I am excited to be a part of what God is doing and I am looking forward to the God-sized task that the Lord has given to the members of this church. I really feel that God will show how awesome and powerful he is and I can't wait to see what He has in store for us.