Friday, September 28, 2007

Stumbling Giants

It seems that every body I talk to lately is struggling with something. As those of you who read this blog regularly know, I have been through my share of struggles lately as well. Giants...people.
Giants want to take over our lives. They taunt us and haunt us. They push us and pull us knowing that it would only take one more good yank and some of us would fall. Giants.
We can't allow them to win! That's not how the story goes. It only takes one stone... We have to stay focused on God - a hard thing when we have the feeling that we are going up the creek without a paddle.
The struggle stinks, but if we stay faithful, God will pull us through it. He wants to know that we trust Him and that we sincerely rely on Him to take care of us.
We all need to pray for the pastors in our church, as well as each other. Our prayer should be that God would force us to change and even though it may be painful that we would become more like Him. Change is difficult and its not always easy, especially when God moves us in a direction that we are uncomfortable going in, but we don't have a right to complain.
In the words of Max Lucado, "Focus on Giants, you stumble. Focus on God, your Giants tumble!"

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