Friday, March 30, 2007

Trading My Sorrows

I have sort of been down in the dumps over the last week. This morning my heaviness was lifetd when I attended the FCA meeting at Byrnes High. The kids discussed the message that they had heard Andre Duprey deliver at the workshop they attended.
My heart swelled with joy as I heard two of those kids proclaim that they had rededicated their lives to Christ!! It reminded me of that the real focus in life must be Christ, not work, or all of the other things we get busy doing.
Thanks FCA for bringing my life back in focus!
Peace Out...

1 comment:

Allen said...

You are a light house on a hill at your school. But even the light house needs to be cared for sometimes. I 'm glad that there are students there that took care of that. Keep your eyes on Jesus and I'll see you Sunday. I'm really looking forward to finding out about our personalities. Keep the faith, you and Barry are the best.