Monday, April 2, 2007


Last night Barry and I went to an Easter drama at Forestville Baptist Church in TR with Willie and Kim. I could tell that many months of planning and promotion had gone into this production before any actors even took the stage.
Willie and I drooled over the award-winning sound system and audio visual equipment that the church had installed in the brand new state of the art facility. The pastor even referenced how much technology was used in the production when he said that "there are more microphones in this thing than fried chicken legs at a baptist pastor's conference" - wow, must have been a lot!
Anyway, as the story of Christ's life unfolded and the truth behind the crucifixion emerged, I prayed intently that those who were lost would come to know Christ. Sure enough, at the end of the production, about 50 people gave their lives to Christ. It was a miraculous thing to watch how God had used the people in that church to draw the lost to himself.
After pondering this production, I understood that God doesn't need for us to have state-of-the-art facilities or expensive productions to bring people to him. The only thing we need to have is a willing and open heart! God wants us to be empty so that He can fill us with His love and so that we will go out and share what He has done for us with those who don't know Him. God isn't a secret that we should keep to ourselves - His love is abundant and we should want as many people to share a relationship with Him as possible. We must never forget the reason that Jesus came to earth and endured what He knew we could not.
Invite someone to church this Sunday so they can know the reason why....

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