Thursday, April 5, 2007

He Knows My Name

As Easter Sunday approaches, I am filled with hope and anticipation. I pray that many people will attend Sunday morning's services and that many who don't know Christ will come into a saving relationship with Him. I am praying specifically for two people who I love of them does know Christ, but has not had the relationship with Him that she so desparately needs due to questions and anger over the past - I pray that she would recommit to nurturing her relationship with God and allow Him to begin a mighty work in her life.
The other one does not have a relationship with Christ, though I know that the Lord has had His healing hand upon this man and allowed him to continue to live. I pray that this man would come to church on Sunday and that God would speak so strongly and so loudly that this man would not be able to ignore the voice of God calling him to give his life to Christ.
I am so glad that the Father knows my name, but there are so many who don't know Him. Does He know you? If He does, please invite someone to church on Sunday to receive the Father's word. If He doesn't, please come to church on Sunday morning and receive the love and salvation that can only be found in Christ.

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